Shoshana Leffler

Differentiation in STEM: Teaching Chemistry and Computer Science to Diverse Learners

As a STEM educator working in Title 1 schools, I’ve had the privilege—and the challenge—of teaching diverse groups of students. Many of them have special needs, and a significant number are English Language Learners (ELL). In these classrooms, the “one-size-fits-all” approach simply does not work. Instead, differentiation becomes not just a teaching strategy, but a necessity. Over the years, I’ve developed various methods to ensure that chemistry and computer science, two particularly complex subjects, are accessible to all my students, regardless of their background or learning needs.

The Importance of Differentiation in STEM

STEM subjects are notoriously challenging, but when you add language barriers, learning disabilities, and a range of educational backgrounds into the mix, these challenges multiply. In classrooms with diverse learners, differentiation—the practice of tailoring instruction to meet the unique needs of each student—is key to ensuring everyone can succeed.

In my experience, differentiation in STEM is essential for a couple of reasons. First, it helps to bridge the learning gap between students who are at different academic levels. Some students may have the foundational knowledge needed to grasp new concepts, while others might struggle with the basics. Differentiation allows me to meet students where they are and guide them forward at their own pace.

Second, it helps build students’ confidence. When students are consistently faced with material that’s too difficult, they can become discouraged. By breaking down complex topics and offering multiple ways to engage with the material, students gain the confidence to tackle difficult subjects.

Scaffolded Learning: Building Understanding Step by Step

One of the most effective differentiation strategies I’ve used is scaffolded learning. This involves breaking a complex task or concept into smaller, more manageable steps and gradually removing the support as students become more proficient.

For example, in my chemistry classes, many students struggle with understanding the math required for chemical equations. Before jumping into balancing equations, I start by reviewing basic math skills like multiplication and ratios, ensuring that everyone has a firm foundation. I provide step-by-step guides, visual aids, and plenty of practice problems before moving on to more complex concepts. As students become more comfortable, I gradually reduce the amount of support I provide, allowing them to work more independently.

In my computer science classes, scaffolded learning is equally important. When teaching coding, I begin with simple coding exercises that focus on basic logic and structure before introducing more advanced concepts. By the time students are writing their own programs, they have a strong understanding of the building blocks that make coding possible.

Visual Aids: Making Abstract Concepts Tangible

Many STEM subjects involve abstract concepts that can be difficult for students to grasp, especially for ELL students and those with learning disabilities. Visual aids are a powerful tool for making these abstract concepts more concrete.

In chemistry, I use diagrams, charts, and models to help students visualize atoms, molecules, and chemical reactions. For example, when teaching the periodic table, I use color-coded charts that highlight the relationships between different elements. These visual aids make it easier for students to understand how the periodic table is organized and how elements interact with one another. Students also constructed 3D models of the atoms to help them visualize subatomic structures. 

In computer science, I rely on flowcharts, diagrams, and coding simulations to help students understand how different parts of a program fit together. For ELL students, these visual tools are particularly helpful because they reduce the reliance on language and provide an alternative way to engage with the material.

Breaking Down Complex Topics: Small, Digestible Parts

In STEM, students often struggle with complex topics that can feel overwhelming if presented all at once. To combat this, I break these topics down into smaller, digestible parts.

When teaching chemistry, I introduce new concepts one step at a time. Instead of diving straight into complicated chemical reactions, I start by teaching the basic components—atoms, molecules, and bonds. I ensure that students have a solid grasp of each concept before moving on to the next. This gradual progression helps students build their understanding without feeling overwhelmed.

In computer science, the same principle applies. Rather than expecting students to write complete programs from day one, I start with simple coding exercises that focus on one aspect of programming at a time. Once students have mastered the basics, we move on to more complex tasks, such as writing algorithms or developing apps. This step-by-step approach makes it easier for students to digest new information and apply it to more challenging problems.

Differentiating for Special Needs Students

Differentiating for students with special needs requires a combination of patience, flexibility, and creativity. Some students may need more time to process information, while others may benefit from alternative methods of instruction.

For my special needs students, I provide multiple ways to engage with the material. Some students do better with hands-on activities, while others prefer written instructions or verbal explanations. I often give students the choice of how they want to demonstrate their understanding—whether it’s through a written test, a presentation, or a hands-on project. This flexibility allows students to show what they’ve learned in a way that works best for them.

I also incorporate technology into my differentiation strategies. Educational apps, online games, and simulations such as kahoot or IXL Learning offer an interactive way for students to engage with the material at their own pace. These tools are particularly useful for students who may need more practice or who learn better through visual or interactive methods.

Supporting ELL Students

Teaching ELL students in STEM subjects presents a unique set of challenges, as these students are not only learning new concepts but also doing so in a second language. To support my ELL students, I incorporate a variety of language supports into my lessons.

I provide bilingual resources whenever possible and encourage students to work in pairs or small groups, where they can support one another. I also use simplified language and plenty of visual aids to help clarify new concepts. Additionally, I allow extra time for ELL students to complete assignments and assessments, recognizing that they may need more time to process both the language and the content.

The Power of Differentiation in STEM

Differentiation in STEM is not just about accommodating diverse learners—it’s about creating an environment where all students can succeed. By using strategies like scaffolded learning, visual aids, and breaking down complex topics, we can make chemistry and computer science accessible to students with special needs and English language learners.

Every student deserves the opportunity to excel in STEM, and as educators, it’s our job to provide the support and resources they need to do so. Differentiation isn’t just a strategy—it’s a commitment to ensuring that every student has the chance to succeed.

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